
The elementSERIES products are local government technology solutions developed to solve complex challenges that are common to all councils. The elementSERIES solutions are based on smart technology that integrates tightly and easily to existing systems within the organisation, completing what you do have.

The elementSERIES solutions are the building blocks of a pure SaaS Council ERP system that can operate as individual solutions or work together. All solutions have an intuitive design, can be configured as needed, and provide ongoing access to new features.

Local government technology solutions
Local government specific time, attendance and award interpretation platform that integrates directly to existing local government systems, including ERP and EDRMS platforms.

Just because paper timesheets, leave forms and excel templates are still common, you don’t have to be stuck with them. Shifting from low tech solutions to integrated, fully supported and robust solutions shouldn’t be an unreachable KPI. That’s why we have worked closely with organisations to design and build a solution specifically to address the challenges, needs and wishes local government have around payroll. 

Help your people develop into the team your local government is going to need.

Local governments are complex environments with so many different types of work to be completed on any given day. To perform these roles effectively and legally your people need different skills, qualifications, and certifications. 

elementSTAFF enables you to understand what resources you’ve got, what you are going to need, and how to go about preparing for the future. It is a vital tool to optimise your organisation by making the most of your current resources and helping them with personalised development programs to build their skills and capabilities. 

elementORG is an Integrated Digital Platform to help councils to automate and digitise all of their key processes, forms and customer interactions.

elementORG enables councils to offer a significantly improved quality of service to their customers whilst greatly reducing the resources and effort to deliver those services.   
